1. To unite members of the Lingerie and other industries into a charitable organization to help those who cannot help themselves.
2. To participate in activities which will reflect credit to ourselves and to our industries.
Membership shall consist of individuals affiliated with the Lingerie and other industries who agree to abide by the constitution and bylaws of this organization. Members in good standing shall be those whose dues are no more than one year in arrears. New members shall be recommended by the membership committee. They may be elected at any duly constituted meeting at which a quorum is present and with the consent of 2/3 of those voting.
ARTICLE I - Meetings:
Regular meetings shall be held on the first Thursday of each month or at the discretion of the President. Should the first Thursday fall on a holiday, the meeting will be held on the Thursday next. Alternate meeting days and special meetings may be designated by the president at his discretion or by a majority vote of the executive board.
For a meeting to be duly constituted there must be in attendance a quorum of not less than twelve members.
ARTICLE II - Officers:
The executive officers shall consist of President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Additional officers of Assistant Treasurer and Assistant Secretary may be filled in any particular year with the consent of 2/3 of the membership. The officers shall be elected for a term of two years, which shall begin on the first day of January and shall continue in office until the last day in December. No member shall serve as president for more than two successive years. The elected officers and the Board of Directors shall constitute the Executive Board.
The duties of the officers shall be as follows:
To preside at all regular meetings, to appoint standing committees and other committees that may be necessary to assist him/her in the administration of all duties arising in connection with the operation of the organization. The president is authorized to approve expenditures not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1000.00) per annum, and shall serve on all standing committees.
To assume and carry on the duties of the President in his/her absence or incapacity and attend all committee as an observer.
To assume the duties of President in the absence of the President and 1st Vice President.
To keep and preserve a record of the minutes of all regular and special meetings, to issue all notices to all the members regarding meetings or other matters at the discretion of the President, and to care for the necessary correspondence of the organization.
To attend to all matters connected with the finances of the organization. All checks issued by the Treasurer must be signed by the Treasurer and any other elected officer.
The Treasurer must submit his annual records to an independent auditor designated by vote of the Executive Board and shall submit a copy of the Annual Report to the members present at the next monthly meeting.
The Board of Directors shall consist of the immediate past three Presidents. In the event a past President cannot participate on the Board, it shall be the duty of the President to appoint another past President to fill this obligation.
The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers and the Board of Directors.
The Executive Board is authorized to approve expenditure not in excess of one thousand ($1000.00) per annum when there is insufficient time to obtain membership consent.
ARTICLE IV - Committees:
1. Good and Welfare Committee: It shall be the duty of the Committee to send appropriate communications on occasion of distress and special joyous events.
2. Membership Committee: It shall be the duty of the Committee to propose new members after investigating their character and standing in the community.
3. Charity Committee: a Committee of no less than seven shall be appointed by the President to make recommendations to the organization for distribution of funds to recognized and accredited charities. The recommendations are to be submitted in writing and voted upon at a minimum of 45 days following the annual dinner dance.
4. Nominating Committee: A committee of no less than five shall be appointed by the Board of Directors and the President.
1. Regular dues shall be $50.00 per year and shall be payable during the first month of each year.
2. A member in good standing shall be one whose dues are current. Any member whose dues are one year in arrears shall be considered to have resigned.
ARTICLE VI - Amendments:
1. Amendments to the constitution must be offered in writing to the President no less than two weeks prior to a regular meeting. The President must offer it the members at the next meeting and action thereon postponed until the next stated meeting and shall be considered to be adopted when approved by 2/3 of the members present and voting.
2. All bylaws and constitutions enacted prior to the adoption of this constitution are hereby replaced.
ARTICLE VII - Conduct of Meetings:
1. Meetings shall be conducted under parliamentary procedure as outlined in Robert's Rules of Order (Newly revised).
2. Order of Business:
1. Opening Prayer
2. Reading of Minutes
3. Treasurer's Report
4. Committees" Report
5. Old Business
6. New Business
7. Communications
8. Good and Welfare
9. Closing Prayer
10. Adjournment
ARTICLE VIII - Dissolution:
In the event of the dissolution of The Intimate Apparel Square Club Inc. All monies on hand shall be donated to organized charities as selected by the membership. No member shall participate in any of the remaining funds should a dissolution occur.
Last Updated on 2/7/04